
Showing posts from February, 2021

Wish Posters, and much more....

 Nash came up with a creative design for his Wish Poster. For this project, just like the boy in the book And Now Miguel, the students illustrated and wrote about their biggest wishes.  Lillyana chose to do her Wish Poster about Miguel's wish to go with the men in his family to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.  Oliver's wish, like many of ours, was that the coronavirus would go away.  Destiny illustrated her wish beautifully! Ira included some cool drawings on his Wish Poster.  Emma made a very colorful poster showing both her wish and Miguel's. Cedar fulfilled the requirement for this assignment, to write your wish in creative lettering.  Nash did the Science project this week, which was to create a model for the human digestive system using a plastic bag.  Cedar and Jossen were hard at work mashing up food for digestion.  Athena had some success with her seed growing project! Oliver made a cool model of a skeleton for last week's Science project ...

An Excellent, Broad Range of Student Work

  Jossen took a funny picture of himself after doing the skeleton project for science After Ms. Mollie, who is an archaeologist, visited our class to talk about roots and tubers, Elsada made these cool prints using root vegetables.  Oliver worked hard to get his heart and his breathing rate up for this science experiment AJ made a very nice piece of sea art for Ms. Cassandra's class. Destiny tried to change the color of celery by doing this science experiment.  Mila wrote a very interesting poem here.  Cedar made some cool drawings. Cedar also colored in the heart sheet for science. 

Excellent new 3rd grade work

 Emma made a nice coloring sheet for her Valentine's writing partner.  Lillyana also did a great job on her Valentine's Day card activity, which we did with Ms. Cassandra.  Oliver wrote Haikus with the perfect number of syllables in each line.  Cedar tried last week's Science experiment to see whether snow would melt differently depending on the temperature of water.  Cedar also made some cool Star Wars drawings in Ms. Cassandra's art class.  Emma shared a lovely poem about snow.  Jossen wrote all about Taos, and included some awesome pictures. Here is one of his favorite places, the Gorge Bridge. 

Social Studies One Pagers

                                                                       By Destiny By Oliver By Lillyana

One-Pagers and other awesome work

AJ wrote his Haikus on some very interesting themes.  Destiny made her One-Pager about New Mexican Landscapes Oliver chose some excellent subjects to include in his One-Pager. Lillyana designed her One-Pager very carefully, and it turned out great! Emma did the Science experiment successfully. Jossen also did the Science experiment, to see how much water comes from melted snow.  Ira is always up to something creative at his house. Here is his Kitty Fort! AJ made some impressive water-color in Ms. Cassandra's Art Class.